HATONN: “This is YOUR planet. We have a mission here and we will not interfere, or intervene, in any way with your functioning. Do you understand? It is the law — “

HATONN: “This is YOUR planet. We have a mission here and we will not interfere, or intervene, in any way with your functioning. Do you understand? It is the law — “

24 May 2007
J: Jay Lawrence show — and our guest is George Green, publisher, and George has published a number of books supposedly and allegedly coming from the Pleiadians — is that correct George? From Hatonn? G: Yes, and from other of his group… (inaudible).

J: …so what we have right now is a woman that Hatonn communicates through? The woman is somewhere at a phone with Hatonn and Hatonn is in his space-ship somewhere — somewhere above Earth — is that correct? G: No, she is one of the “translators” — only ONE of them. Remember that the transmissions are not… (inaudible).

J: OK, let’s go to Gerald in Phoenix. You’re on KTAR 620.

GL: OK, I’ve listened to your program before this man in Scottsdale — and I had a question that still lingers in my mind. Instead of having to lift all these people off Earth if it is destroyed and there are only a few people who will destroy it — why wouldn’t it be more simple to just lift off the people who are gonna destroy it and put them on an asteroid some place else? Does that make sense?

H: Yes, it would seem to make sense but the facts are that that is what has already happened. That is why your planet is in such trouble. You don’t understand the workings of the Universe or even the orderliness of how the Universe functions. You have been given such ridiculous stories that it is hard for you to understand, either. Why we are not there with you now and yet, if you think about it for a while, I might ask you why would it be that we are doing it this way? I believe after you think about it for a moment you will understand. This is YOUR planet. We have a mission here and we will not interfere, or intervene, in any way with your functioning. Do you understand? It is the law — the cosmic law by which we… (interruption).

J: Gerald, thank you for calling. Now, Hatonn, are you — could you — well, are you so powerful that you could intervene? We who have seen Star Trek know pretty much the tremendous power of extraterrestrials in films, shows movies and such — do you have all of those powers within your capabilities?

H: Yes sir. J: But you won’t use them? H: Absolutely not. J: You mean that you could stop wars and you won’t? H: Sir, we don’t start your wars. You are a free-will planet. You have been gifted with freedom of life and freedom of choices and what you do with those choices, you see, is up to you. You are given guidelines according to the Universal Law and the Laws of God and Nature. If you choose to break those laws, I must stand back and allow you to do that. I am sent on a mission but not to interfere or cause even one more grain of trouble on your planet. My mission, commission, my order — if you will, is to bring Truth and set the lies to straight so that Man can have that Truth if he chooses. You can deny it, can deny my presence, you can continue in your dreamland that everything is OK — but, I must tell you, that you have things such as a twelve-level underground facility right under Edwards Air Force base and there are ones scattered all over your world, likewise. You have incredible technology on your planet — you see — when you start looking for your adversary, the anti-Christ, for instance: these are not little gray aliens. These are bounded to your planet and it is not my business to get anything done with them.

J: Let me interrupt because we have a full board waiting and they may want to tell their children that they got to speak to an extraterrestrial.

H: Well, I’ll tell you Mr. Lawrence, if you would be gracious enough to ask me more often, I would be happy to be on and more people could talk to an extraterrestrial.

J: Frank in Phoenix, you are on KTAR.

F: Yes, I have a question. You mention that when the time comes and you take people into evacuation, where would you take them?

H: I would take them immediately to my ship. F: But to where? Would they just be permanently aboard your ship?

H: Thank you for asking that question. Absolutely not. The first stop of most of you would be to Pleiades. You would be moved into the security of a safe and balanced place. Ones have some ridiculous idea of a “Rapture” to some clouds, for instance, with no thought of that which would go on beyond or what you would do after you get “there”. This is what you ones must begin to think about — your goal, like where will you go from there? Your Master Teacher of some 2000 years ago, whatever you wish to call this being — this messenger that came, tells you a place has been prepared for you. That is exactly what has happened. You are physical beings so a physical place is prepared. It is not some dreamland, mystical fantasy where you are floated on some cloud somewhere…


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