Pleiadian Commander Hatonn Warns Mother Earth Is About To Let Go!!




Greetings!  Another year has arrived upon Mother Earth.  This ear great changes shall take place upon Mother Earth, for the long-awaited graduation int a Higher Realms is about to happen.  For 4.5 billion years she has waited for this glorious moment.

She has waited patiently these billions of years for some souled ones to realize their great God Spirit within that has the creative power of Creation.  Each civilization that has come and gone every 10-12 thousands years never achieved this goal for which she desired.  No, not one!  Oh, there were some, who became enlightened, but you must know that the housing of Lucifer (Satan) prevented such to happen.

It was his goal and that for which he worked for several billion year was to convince the souled one that  they were nothing, that they were sinners and that God existed somewhere out there as a great father with a big stick to punish anyone, who would dare to disobey his laws.

Do you see the picture that he painted for mankind?   Do not think for one minute that Satan was stupid.  He had great intellect and had delved into the Darkness to be the greatest Dark One ever created.  How did he accomplish this feat so well?

I well tell you!  It was done through religion and worship.  He and his dark Angeles used that which was sacred to people, and subtly invoked his message of lies ad misinformation mixed with Truth. I speak thusly of your most “Holy Bible”. 

It was taught that the Holy Bible was the ABSOLUTE word of God and that these” sacred” words must be obeyed or that person would go to hell.  Not only that, but other religions across Earth were created such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, and the untold number of Christian churches that vied for the Truth.    I did not say it was wrong to worship God, but the lies and misinformation  that were taught over and over became the Truth.

Finally, I got tired of all this mumble-jumble, and felt something HAD to be done.  I dictated the words to a person via radio signal which were the Phoenix Journals.  In these Holy Books of the Lighted Realms, I showed what was happening on Earth with all the Darkside, and used document after document that were recorded, and kept secret from you the people.

Yes, when you read the Journals, you will find that I quote many documents, books and laws that have been passed to prove my point.  Oh, you say that these Journals are out-of-date.  They are comprised in Journal format, so as to not have them copyrighted.  I reveal to you the secret information your government had done and is still doing, and kept hidden, but also, I must remind you that I gave many messages that are timeless, as well as messages from the great Masters and Cohans.

Most importantly, the lie about Judas has been told, and that is the son of the High Priest.   Judah Iharioth was the culprit, not Judas Iscariot.  Do you see the similarity of the names?

Also, the biggest lie about Esu Immanuel. who was falsely named “Jesus” and the Son of God.  NO!  He was the son of Arch Angel Gabriel.  Oh, my dear ones if you could only know the countless ones that have passed to find there was and is no pink cloud of rapture, and that they believed a lie that they foisted on others.  Oh, the agony and anguish they suffered, especially when they were given the real TRUTH of the Journals,  and threw it in the garbage as heresy.

Because of the great LIES, only a very few souled ones have awakened.  The great news is that these awakened Lightworkers with their Petitions have helped countless souls on the Astral Plane to gain great soul growth with many graduating!    Not only that, but countless ones on other 3D  planet shave, also, been helped, as well as uncreating the Satanian Empire with  the help of Sananda.

Mother Earth waits only few more days and hours for more souled ones to awaken, especially on the void from civilizations eons ago. But she is about to exhale that holding position.

My message is to those, who still slumber to the Truth—AWAKEN!

To the Lightworkers:  Stay focused, calm and balanced.

My great love to ALL souls!



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